Monday, March 21, 2016

Evil Chicken Dinner

 1 pound bacon, cut into bite sized pieces
·         ½ to 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breast, chopped into bite sized pieces.
·         3 Tablespoons chili powder
·         1 cup brown sugar
·         UP to ½ cup water, as needed
Cooked rice

In a large pan, cook bacon over medium high heat until nearly done.  Do not drain.  Stir in chicken and chili powder.  Continue cooking, stirring occasionally until bacon and chicken are fully cooked.  Add brown sugar and cook until sugar is dissolved and sauce begins to thicken- about 4-5 minutes.   (Be careful once the sugar is added not to let the sauce turn into toffee.)  Add water if necessary to thin the sauce but keep in mind the sauce is more of a coating.   Serve over hot rice.

Serves 6

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